Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Liebster Award

This is long overdue since Ina nominated me to do this way way back last May so here goes nothing~

FYI, the Liebster Award is a blogging thing that's been passed around to new bloggers with less than 200 followers.


1. Mentioned who nominated you with a link to their blog
2. Answer the 11 questions asked
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers
4. Create 11 questions for them to answer
5. Notify your nominees

So here are Ina's Questions

1. What are the things that inspires you the most?
-The thing that inspires me the most is seeing people work so hard for their dream. It really inspire me since I'm a lazy bum and seeing people work hard and persevere makes me really fired up for some reason. I always end up thinking "If they can do it, I can too!!" and that I wouldn't reach anything if I'm just sitting here and being a potato.

2. What's your passion?
-My passion is art. 
Making things out of nothing, expressing oneself on the very things that I create; I don't think anything is more beautiful than that.

3. What sport/s do you do?
-I'm not really a sporty person but I'd say Volleyball and Badminton; though I'm not particularly outstanding in the sports I've mentioned but I do enjoy them. I also do a lot of jogging and I enjoy dancing every now and then, but I'm not really sure if they're considered a sport XP!

4. What's your favourite genre of music?
-I don't really have a particular favourite when it comes to genres since I'm really open when it comes to music, so I don't really know how to answer this. I'm very cultured when it comes to music since I had piano lessons so I do enjoy classical music. I also enjoy pop, country, ballads, RnB, reggae, etc. I also listen to rock, punk rock and even heavy metal \m/ since my best friend, Loui, is really into it.

5. What musical instruments do you play?
-I do the piano since I did study it for the majority of my life (10 years) and I am currently learning the ways of the guitar. It's quite funny on how I started studying the piano. My mom and I were strolling around the mall and I saw this dude playing on the piano and out of boredom I blurted out to my mom that I want the piano. A week later when I got home from school there was a huge piano in our house. I told my mom I was joking when I said that I want the piano and that I don't even know how to play so it was practically useless. She told me not to worry since she already enrolled me to a piano lesson course in our school. 
And the rest was history.

6. What's a thing you regret the most?
-Not doing better. 
I have a very high standards when it comes to everything; even to myself that sometimes I don't even reach that standards that I have created for myself, so I get really disappointed if I don't reach or exceeded them, but it makes me want to work hard more to reach my goals.

7. What's your blog about?
-My blog's actually very random since I don't want my blog to solely focus on one things like a beauty blog or an anime blog is but it will be about the small things and happenings in my life and what interests me, etc. I think it would be about a mixture of beauty, hair, shopping, anime, mangas, drama, school, life, food, etc.
You know, stuffs.

8. Are you the one who designed your blog?
-Nope, absolutely not as unfortunately I do not have the ability nor knowledge to do that :(

9. What's your own way to inspire people?
-I inspire people by doing what I preach cause what's the point of inspiring others when you don't even do it yourself.

10. Your dream place to live in? 
-I would love to live in a house that I designed, myself. Location doesn't matter as long as I designed it.

11. Are you happy with the status of your blog now? :)
-It needs a bit of work here and there but otherwise I'm quite satisfied with it :)

I Nominate...

Marielle of Marielle's Amazing Thoughts
Loui of My Little Piece of Heaven

As you can see I'm very anti-social (lol! Who am I kidding? XD) as I don't really know anyone in the blogging world so I only nominated 2 out of 11 lol! 
I'mma add more in the future

My Questions

1. Why or what is the you started blogging?
2. Future goals for your blog?
3. What's your inspiration for your blog?
4. What is your passion?
5. Do you love what you are doing?
6. What are the things that you regret the most?
7. Any special moments that you won't forget?
8. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
9. Your special attributes that makes you special and unique?
10. What attributes would you like to change for the better?
11. What are the things that you are proud of accomplishing?


♥ Aly

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