Saturday, November 30, 2013

Reasons Why I Love Loki

Disclaimer: I do not own the pictures and the characters that are shown in this post, they belong to their respective owners. The content of this post is purely my opinion; I am not being paid or being forced to do this. This is for entertainment purposes only and not for profit.

Not many knows this, but I'm quite the Marvel fan, though not as die hard as the others. I do not know or have read every comics and chapters or have I watched the entire movies that are Marvel based, but I can safely say that I'm a fan.

One of the many Marvel works that I greatly "fanned" on is Thor.

While everyone else was fangirling over the hunky, blond and blue-eyed Thor, my ovaries are simultaneously exploding over the lanky, dark and mysterious Loki, the adopted younger brother of Thor.

Team Loki or Team Thor; take your pick
Obviously, I'm on Team Loki

Arguably, he doesn't have the traditional attractive physique that girls would usually go to- in fact, Thor's the epitome of the "manly man" that most girls would prefer, but if you rate the percentage of who has more fans than the other; Loki wins, hands down.

Like, seriously guys, he has more fans than Thor, which is kind of unusual, since he is the villain AND even I would admit that Thor is light years way more hotter than he is, ideally speaking.

Sometimes, I even think that the reason that the Thor franchise, including the Avengers, are very commercially successful because of the fan girls who'd watch it just for the sake of seeing Tom Hiddleston/Loki.

Despite his obvious imperfections, I love him because...

   1. He's the Bad Guy

Even with the warm and sunny background, he still manages to look sinister.

Do I even have to explain this? It's a universal known truth, but if I have to...

End of story.

   2. He's a Bad Guy with a Sob Story

This is also a self-explanatory one but if you think that girls love bad guys, well let me tell you, girls are even more sucker for these types.

It kind of goes like "He's so mysterious and  broody, something must have cause that! I must find out about it and help him heal in order to melt his icy heart so that he can show his true self! And then he'll fall irrevocably in love with me that he'll just beg me to marry him! I'm such a genius!". That's a brief and sarcastic summarization of it.

And when they found out about his dark past, they would all go moony eyed over him and fall in love with him even more.

So basically what happen is...

   3. I Feel Bad For Him

Breaks my heart. every. single. damn. time.

All Loki's life, all he ever wanted was to be loved by his father, Odin, like he loves his older brother Thor; to be seen as his equal, but instead he remembers a shadow, living in the shade of Thor's greatness.

Loki found out about his parentage

And then he found out that his entire life is a lie because apparently, he's adopted . Also, he found out that he's actually a Jotun (Frost Giant), which is sort of like an enemy race of the Asgardians. And to make the situation even worst is that his biological father, Laufey, is the King of the said enemy race.

How f@ck3d up is that?

And when he confronted his so called "father" about it, his father suddenly decided that "Oh, I need my nap!" and promptly slept on his hysterically crying son for god knows how long. What jerk.

And then Loki realized that all of his hard work of making everyone (his "father" and the other people) recognize and take pride on him are all for naught since he is, well,  a Jotun, therefore, an enemy. He realize that his father will never favor him like he did Thor because, to put it crudely, he's adopted and also from an enemy race.

In the end, Loki was left broken :'(

His face... I just can't explain how it hurts to see the disappointment as his father said no :(

  4. His Eyes are Gorgeous :3

This is actually just an action figure kind-of statue thingy,
but whoever made this made an excellent job in making Loki's eyes.

Pretty shallow reason I know, but I have this thing with guys having piercing eyes <3

"His eyes... those blueish green abyss... brimming with hatred and revenge...darting as if searching for someone to vent upon...those empty pits... the rage hiding the pain...the pain, being veiled by a thin wall of defensiveness."

Found that random proverb in the Internet which I thought describes Loki's eyes best.

   5. His Eyebrows are a Thing of Beauty

Another shallow reason for loving him, but seriously though, who is his make-up artist? I need to learn how to do the Loki-Brows.

And apparently, I'm not the only one who loves them.

Some people even made this meme.

   6. His Voice is Orgasmic >3<

Need I explain more?

Cue to explosion of ovaries~

I also don't need mind XD!

In my case, I am extremely turned on <3

 If he did become one, I would buy every single one of his novels.

His voice can make someone pregnant.

   7. His Sass/Charisma

You saying something? 

One of the reason, why Loki is one of Mavel's most iconic and beloved characters is because of his sass. Look at Iron man, another iconic and beloved character of Marvel; he has one of the most impressive fanbase I've ever seen and you know what Loki and Tony have in common (except for Intelligence): Sass. 

It also didn't help that Loki use a very sexy accent, possibly British as Tom is British himself, and has a very wide and impressive vocabulary, which makes insulting others oh so glorious!

Other sassy Loki pics :me gusta:

You can never be as fabulous as this

Right you are Loki, right you are

Ooh Burn! Please apply ice to the burnt area

   8. He is Ridiculously Photogenic/Good-looking

This post is getting a bit longer than expected so I'm going to make this shorter: He dethroned "the ridiculously photogenic guy's" photo in the most blogged about photo in tumblr, need I say more?

    9. He is Freaking Adorkable

The picture above says it all, but if you want more...

10. He Just Never Dies

I freaking bawled my eyes out...
Until I found out that he is alive and well in Avengers...
And killing 80 people in 2 days...

Then he was smashed to the ground thanks to the Hulk
Which is enough to kill an average mortal
But I guess not enough to kill a god

Then he died a dramatic and, according to Thor, an honorable death
 in Thor 2 after saving Thor's arse from imminent danger

Then we found out that he's alive and faked his death
And is now pimping as Odin in order to be the fake King of Asgard
I wonder what'll happen next?...
He'll probably die and go back to life

That's it folks!
I was actually planning to make this "20 Reasons Why I Love Loki" and I've already drafted said 20 reasons but this post is getting too long and, to put it crudely, I'm getting lazy and tired from all the typing.

I actually wanted to put "He is Portrayed by Thomas William "Hiddles" Hiddleston" but then I realized that if I put it here, I wouldn't be talking about Loki anymore but rather Tom, so I'm planning to put a different post for that.

But for now, I'm doing the Loki one! XD

Ciao Bellas!

♥ Aly

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