Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rants: Hypocrites and Bipolar People

I know that I said that I'm going on a hiatus but I just can't help it!

This post will be different from the others that I usually post but I just really need to get this off my chest.

Yeah, you read that statement above. I. AM. RANTING. TODAY.

If you're not interested and I'm bothering you, go ahead and just skip this but I just want to share somethings from my life with you.

If there's something about me that you should now that I'm not the plastic; I'm a very straight-to-the-point kind of person. If you love me, then thank you for loving and appreciating me; if you hate me, then I don't care because I don't even think about you at all.

Call me a bitch or whatever but that's me, but I can be friendly too.

Ask every single one of my family, friends, acquaintance, neighbors, class/batchmates, teachers, etc. and they'll all say that I'm a good and nice person. If your friendly or nice to me then I'll be nice to you too but if your being bitch to me for no apparent and justifiably reason, then I'll show you who's Queen Bitch.

Now the person of my great aggravation probably need some medical help like seriously. She needs anger management and probably some form of therapy because no sane person would get mad for such a petty reason such as a camera.

Let's just call her A and she's family, mind you.

So I got this project in Health wherein my group mates and I were supposed to create a short film about drugs. Our group's going to use my camera since its Quality's really good and I'm going to be the editor of our video anyway so its pretty convenient that I'm using my own camera.

And then A wanted to borrow my camera because she's going on a vacation in Vietnam and since I'm going to use it I told her in the most gentle way I know that I can't since I need it for our project. I don't even know why she's borrowing mine since she have a pretty good camera.

And let me tell you she went ballistic on me. She kept saying stuffs that I'm so selfish and all those shizz, so I told her, again gently (because its not the first time we fought for the most petty reason; usually its her starting the fight and of course, I need to defend myself because she gets mad at the most baseless reason it's not even fair), that I'm going to use it for a school project and that she should just use her camera.

She suddenly walked out of me yelling "Don't ever borrow anything from me ever again!". At that line I got really mad at her because I don't even borrow things from her in the first place! In fact, she was the one borrowing stuffs from me!

Like, oh I don't know; my freaking phone, wigs, and oh yeah the brush that she borrowed like I don't know, maybe 2-3 years ago? I told her just that and she started giving me the silent treatment!

The nerve!

She even called my "maldita" which basically mean "bitch". Well let me tell you, it take one to know one!

Like seriously, how old are you? Six? You're in your 40's stop acting like a brat!

My dad's even forcing me to say sorry her, but I won't since its not my fault that A's got pressing issues going on with her like Anger and Attitude Problems.

She also got angry at me for not letting her borrow my cellphone because someone's idiotic enough to live her room unlocked and unattended, so of course, the dog went ahead and bit it.

The reason I didn't let her borrow it because that phone has private stuffs about me and also that phone's connected to my social media accounts but my dad got my phone and gave it to her.

She was like "Fine! Be that way! I'm rich anyway so I'll buy myself a new phone first thing in the morning!" but after having my phone for like a month and a half she didn't even bother buying a new one! I thought you were rich, so where's your phone?! She wouldn't even let me borrow my own phone.

She also have the tendency to borrow stuffs and not give it back like this eyebrow brush she borrowed 2-3 years ago and also the Samsung tablet she borrowed and never gave back, which I found out later that she had given to my cousin. That bitch.

It's not wonder why she's not married yet. I never even witnessed her having a boyfriend.

I also remember the time when she called me a "pok-pok" (trans: whore) for wearing make-up. I was only wearing eyeliner! What's her problem?! Wearing make-up makes you a whore?! Gimme a break!

She wears make-up all the time, esp. for her eyebrows since its very sparse; a trait we shared, so does that mean she's a whore too? Talk about double standards! She just insulted herself!

Who the hell is she to call me whore?! In the past 15 years of my life, I never had a boyfriend! I don't even flirt with anyone!

My parents approved of me wearing makeup since they think its an extension of my creativeness as an artist so who are you to say those words to me when my own parents approved of it.

But now look at her; borrowing my make-up! Once she borrowed my foundation and kabuki brush for her trip to Boracay and I don't know what she did with my brush but she came home and gave it back to me smelling like garbage.

There's also this time, it was the last day of summer and the following day would be the start of classes. As I said in one of my previous posts that I break out a lot especially during summer and also as a healthy teenager, I'm going through puberty, so of course pimples are expected.

My dad invited me to watch Superman with him, I agreed. Since its the last day of the summer, I want to feel Beautiful so I wore makeup. She told me to stop putting on makeup at that time I've already finished my look and my dad and I are about to go so I don't have time so I told her I won't.

She told me that if I keep wearing makeup, one day I'll have a huge hole in my face and that I've been wearing a lot of makeup nowadays that's why kept on having pimples. I didn't bother with her because frankly, I don't want to get angry at the last of summer. And then she put on the silent treatment again.

But seriously, that time was the first time I wore makeup in a month and a half so I don't really know what she's talking about. And of course, I'm breaking out in pimples because I'm going through this thing called puberty which basically means my hormones are fluctuating causing pimples; you're a Registered Nurse, you should know better!

But I didn't even bother, I told myself to just ignore the wench.

And also the time when she threw a slipper at my face! Good thing I dodged that one! Especially when she threw a breakable dangerous thing at my face!

She's lucky I didn't report her to the authorities because she's family! I love her enough not to have her jailed!

The thing is she thinks everybody likes her when in fact everybody hates her (Mean Girl Reference!). Well not really everybody but most of everybody! Like our house helper, her own bloody sister, and she left a bad impression on some of the neighbors.

Our neighbors thought that she was nice and shizz but they were really surprised when she got mad at our house helper at a mistake she herself did.

She also said that I don't know how to take care of my pets! The nerve of that bitch! I take care of Squishy, Kira, Draco and L simultaneously while she only cared about her precious Draco. 

One Word: Hypocrite.

So let me impart some wisdom to you guys as I finish this rant. 

Live your life on how you it fit and not how others see it fit. Don't do stuffs just because someone told you to do so but do it with your own will. 

And lastly, don't let others bring you down. Defend yourself especially when you know that you are right and that you have something worth fighting for: your Freedom.

Sorry for bothering you guys, again. I just need to let this out of my chest! I've been keeping this things inside of me for a long time and I think I just need to let go of some of the stress and angriness that I kept bottling inside of me.

I don't even care if she read this but seriously, she could use this post as a guideline on how she could change herself for the better.

Peace out,

♥ Aly



  1. Defend yourself aly! Don't get threatened by false reasons or what. Throwing a slipper is already child abuse! for pete's sake :(

  2. @Ina I know!! I'm really trying my best to keep my temper from her but god! She's just so frustrating!


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